Still The One 3/5/2022

You’re still the one
Who knows me well
The one who carried me
When grief
Bruised and battered
My inner self.

You’re still the one
I seek to talk with
Every morning and night
Especially in troubled times
Within trembling thoughts.

You’ve loved me
Even when I didn’t remember
Who I was back then.

You make me smile
You make me laugh
You allow me to cry
Away my sorrow
Always knowing
You’ll be with me
Again tomorrow.

You’re still the one
That makes me confident
So grateful for
Your patience
Waiting for me
To remember.

Time passed by gracefully
From my sleep walking
Opening my divine eyes
For the first time
And accepting
The love felt.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding