Grief Yoga

My life forever changed after my 27-year-old son died from an accidental overdose. During my quest to find answers to help my understanding about life & death and to heal the intensity of grief, I found through “a set of coincidences” or “perhaps it was divine guidance “ a specific direction to take.  I was led to attend a Yoga Teacher Training class several months after my son’s passing.

It was during this yoga teacher training that I learned about the eight limbs of yoga. All of these practices provided guidelines that started my healing process which also included, finding a meaningful purpose in life and with my grief.

  • Yamas [social ethics]

    Niyamas [personal practices]

  • Asanas [yoga postures]

  • Pranayama [mindful breathing]

  • Prathyahara [turning inward]

  • Dharana [deep concentration]

  • Dhyana [meditation]

  • Samadhi [Oneness With All]


The word “yoga” means to connect or unite. I learned the thing we look to connect to is our True Self, also known as the “divine essence”, “soul”, “higher self” to name a few. Through the healing of my grief and by connecting with my Soulful Self this began my spiritual awakening.

In this non-traditional way of healing grief, I was inspired by everything that was presented in these classes and by actually doing the yoga poses in sync with mindful breathing and with the intention of healing, I was “forever changed” in a positive way.

More information about my story

  1. WPLN News Interview

  2. Alive Hospice Article

Yoga Class Information

Yoga and Meditation are powerful healing tools for any type of loss or any type of heavy emotion.  Studies have shown that suppressed emotions get “stuck” in our body tissues, joints and cells. It is through the process of breathing in-sync with yoga movements that allows the negative thoughts and emotions to be processed and energetically move out of the body. Hence a sense of lightness, peacefulness and healing occurs. Yoga and Meditation should be a considered as a daily practice to achieve the full benefits.

A sliding scale $5, $8 or $10 “love” donation/payment per class will be accepted
Please choose donation/payment type via Check, Venmo or Paypal

Small Groups Class Schedule

  • “In-person” Harmony Yoga Fusion Class: Tuesday nights 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm CST

This class will blend Hatha and Yin type of yoga into one practice. It will bring together benefits of passively holding “Yin” yoga poses allowing for deeper stretches of connective tissues, along with the more active “Yang/Hatha” yoga practice that works on building strength and stamina. By blending the two styles within our mindful breathing, a peaceful harmony will be created allowing physical, emotional and spiritual healing to occur. A 10 minute guided meditation during Savasana will deepen the experience.

This class is designed for beginners but all levels may attend by incorporating advanced versions of the pose into the practice.Must be at least 18 years old.Bring your own yoga mats and yoga blankets.

Class location details:
Holy Family Catholic Church
9100 Crockett Road
Brentwood, TN 37027

Note: Yoga class will be held in the HF Learning Center Lobby.
Please enter through the Parish Hall (under the portico) pass the table tennis area and to the glass wall which has a door into the Learning Center Lobb

  • “Virtual” Slow Flow Yoga Class : Wednesday nights 6:15pm – 7:15 pm CST

This class is geared towards Yin Type of yoga poses which minimizes the up and down movements with a stationary camera.  Slow Flow Yin Yoga allows the students to connect with their breath while opening their hearts and taking the practice deeper in a meaningful and healing way. There will be a 10 minute Guided Meditation at the end of class during “savasana” for a deeper relaxation and  recovery.

Please use the “Contact Me For Details “ button to receive the Zoom Meeting ID and Password.

  • “In-person” Harmony Yoga Fusion Class: Thursday nights 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm CST

This class will blend Hatha and Yin type of yoga into one practice. It will bring together benefits of passively holding “Yin” yoga poses allowing for deeper stretches of connective tissues, along with the more active “Yang/Hatha” yoga practice that works on building strength and stamina. By blending the two styles within our mindful breathing, a peaceful harmony will be created allowing physical, emotional and spiritual healing to occur. A 10 minute guided meditation during Savasana will deepen the experience.

This class is designed for beginners but all levels may attend by incorporating advanced versions of the pose into the practice.Must be at least 18 years old.Bring your own yoga mats and yoga blankets.

Class location details:
Brentwood Library
8109 Concord Road
Brentwood, TN 37027

Corporate “group de-stressing “ Yoga/Meditation Class or Private 1-on-1 Yoga/Meditation Class


I've been taking yoga classes with Maggie for a couple of years now.  First in class, and now via zoom meetings!  These classes mean so much to me.  Not just because of the exercise I get (and I do mean exercise!), but also the meditation that Maggie provides before and after the active yoga portion of the class.  I always leave each class with a feeling of peacefulness and community with others in my class, and a heart filled with joy and love! 

Teresa F.

When I started attending Maggie’s yoga practice a couple years ago my goal was to improve my flexibility and balance. I never imagined the impact it would have on my life.  Maggie’s healing yoga practice has indeed improved both my flexibility and balance and kept my back pain free but more remarkably it has helped me to let go of anxiety and worry and find a peace and positive energy that stays with me beyond the yoga mat.  I clearly remember the first time she explained that worry was not love but rather fear which is the antithesis of true love.  That had a powerful effect on me and I use that as my personal mantra – letting go of worry and embracing love. Maggie’s yoga classes and the yoga community she has established are a vital part of my life and critical to my journey to connect my mind, body and spirit so I can tackle the challenges I face with an open heart.  Thank you so much, Maggie.

Molly Freeman