Things You Do 3/1/2022

You are who you are
Within all shades of
Lightness and darkness
Revealed to others
In your daily tasks.

It’s ok to show
The dark side
As a weakness
Once in a while
But only as a tool
To learn
What not to do
In a future experience.

Mistakes in life happen
Often baffling us
For the things you do
We are creatures of habit
Operating on autopilot.

Learn to move
Into stillness and silence
For that’s where
Of the Soulful Self

Be kind and forgiving
To the personal self
Even when we think
We are not
Worthy enough.

Compassion and kindness
Must flourish within
Freely and easily
In order to live a life
With a loving heart.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding