Walk Away 2/25/2022

Many doors of opportunities
Both subtle and bold
Presented to us
Within our life.

Often hidden behind
Our fears and insecurities
So we
Walk away
Before we take a chance
To open it.

How do we step out of
Our comfort zone
To see what’s on
The other side
Of fear?

Within deep
Rhythmic breathing
Find the sweat spot
That connects
To your soul.

As the healing space
Opens within
Your heart
Creating a safe area
To comfort the
Resistance felt.

Welcome in trust
And acceptance
In this moment
Of time.

Allow confidence
And courage
To blend with
The healing presence
Of God’s love.

Giving you
Inner strength
To face fear
Opening the next
Door of opportunity
That appears in life.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding