Don't Forget Me 3/9/2022

So much to learn
And understand
Will there be enough time
To experience all
That needs to be experienced?

My child, my child
Must learn to be patience
As unfoldment with God
Occurs slowly and purposefully
Within the heart.

Be proud of yourself
For your willingness
To be vulnerable
For your willingness
To face your fears
And your willingness
To do the hard work
Needed to understand
Who you really are.

As you travel on
The road of life
Your experiences
Will include both
Dark and light.

Don’t forget about me
Within the times
Of darkness
For that’s when you’ll
Need comfort
And healing the most.

Embrace both shades
Of dark and light
For that is who you
Truly are
At the core
Of your eternal soul.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding