One More Time 03/13/2022

Song by Robin Schultz & Felix Jaehn 2021

We pace
We worry
About this and that
Thinking we can control
Everything in life.

If we live
In a state of fear
In a state of worry
Stress becomes dominant
And we don’t live
From our heart
Or our true self.

Too busy to notice
The beauty in life
For we have blocked
The stream of blessings
Coming from
God the Universe.

Within mindfulness
Open to the subtleties
Of light and love
That’s invisible
To the naked eye
Showing the path
For a peaceful life.

And allow us to dance
With your heart
One more time
Giving strength
To carry on
The daily tasks
In life.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding