L.O.V.E. 03/17/2022

Love is not just
For you and me
Love is for everyone
Living under the sun.

It’s uniqueness
And specialness
Allows kindness to rise
Without any strings
To bring us down.

Love is carefree
And silly too
Making people
Giggle and laugh
With ease
What we feel.

Love is miraculous
As it turns sadness
Into happiness
With a twinkle of an eye
And a warm smile.

What would I do without
Love in my life
For its food for my soul
And the purpose
Of my heart.

No matter what
Experiences encountered
To find the tenderness needed
Look deep inside
The core
For nothing else matters
Except for L.O.V.E.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding