Just One Look 3/21/2022

All it took
Was just one look
Into the light
To become mesmerized
By Divine love
Tingling in my Soul.

So bold and beauty
Non-judgmental and kind
Was this for me
Or someone else?

Of my worthiness
Took control
Of my thoughts
Thinking I didn’t deserve
This kind of love
And happiness.

Poor little me
My inner critic
Exclaimed loudly.

As my Soul stepped forward
Letting me know
I am worthy to receive
Love of any kind.

Be one with your heart
Be one with your soul
Become vulnerable in life.

For you will find
The inner strength needed
To receive
The blessings and love
God the Universe
Sends to all of us.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding