Higher and Higher 3/25/2022

Feeling blue
Feeling depressed
If I did my best
From way back when.

Lacked patience
Lacked understanding
Had a closed minded
About life and death.

Guilt surfaced
About long ago
How do I soften
These feelings
To heal thyself?

Closed my eyes
Breathing deeply
Lifting me up
Higher and higher
To my place of calmness.

A sense of gratitude
Found deep within
Gently giving myself
An energetic hug.

Understanding now
I am worthy
To give and receive
Healing love
Soothing the Human Self.

Can’t change the past
But know self-love
Is needed to heal
And move forward.

Past and present
Into the now
Creates a bright future
Filled with harmonies
Of darkness and lightness
That vibrates love.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding