Sunrise To Sunset 01/01/2022

Anther moment
Another day
Another year
Has drifted by
In the infinite passing
Of time itself.

Could this be my last?
Could this be my best?
Could this be the moment
That I find the connection
To my Soulful Self?

Sunrise to sunset
A melodic trance
With the ebb and flow
Of Life itself.

Tugging and pulling
In different directions
As we look for love
Among the spaces
That surround us.

Connecting to the elementals
Within the Universe itself
As a way to find
Balance and harmony
In our weary hearts.

May we learn
To feel and see
With our heart and soul
The natural beauty
That’s present
No matter where we live
On planet earth.

The sky, the moon and stars
Stare at us
Each day and night
Hoping to be noticed
In times of sadness and joy
Offering their light
To lead us
On our chosen path.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding