Memory Lane 01/04/2022

Another year
Welcomed with a bang
Here I go again
Walking down
Memory lane.

Remembrances of us
Laughing and crying
At the same time
Flooded my thoughts
Within this flowing
Moment of love.

My perspective changed
Gently evolved
With clarity and wisdom
Stimulated my willingness
To practice mindfulness
And mediation.

A tenderness often appears
When reminiscing
About you
My dear one
And always feel love
That we shared.

Gratitude softened
My anger
As part of the transformation
That occurred within
Which allowed
My Soulful Self
To emerge
And heal my heart.

My wish for others
Feeling loss
Must learn to find
Stillness and silence
Within the thoughts
For healing guidance
To be heard
And divine love
To be felt.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding