Reflections 01/08/2022

And restless
Emotions of fear
Acknowledge or suppress
Why do I feel this way?

Could it be a New Year
Has begun
Or my age
Will be adding
Another notch?

Tracking time
Helps to organize one’s day
But in the grand scheme of life
It’s infinite
Within the Universe itself.

All physical bodies
Will cease to exist
And no one knows
The exact time
Of occurrence.

Tis a variable element in life
So why not make the
Most of time
By accomplishing
What matters the most.

On building kindness
Within relationships
For that benefits many.

On loving yourself
Wholly and fully
And watch the ripple effects.

We are reflections of God
Without any labels added
Embrace the differences
That make us unique.

Tis our natural gifts
Being expressed
Without hesitation
Love all parts
And watch what happens.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding