A Prayer And A Blessing 12/31/2021

Cloudiness in life
Close at hand
With fear and anxiety
Looking to recharge
A sense of hope
Within my heart.

One can look
Deep within the core
To feel their innate power
Given at birth
Anxiously waiting
To be noticed and heard.

Personal power
Intuitively and naturally
By feeling what’s right
And trusting it through.

Releasing any expectations
About what may transpire
And flow with
What is given to you.

Believe in your Angels
Believe in your Soul
Ask them to be your eyes
When cloudiness prevails
Ask them for guidance
When you lost your way.

Let these feelings and words
Be a prayer and a blessing
That connects your
Personal power
In times of need
And times of joy
Knowing you are
Always loved.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding