Different Drum 2/13/2022

Just an ordinary day
Twas’ destined to change
As my life crashed
Without warning
Like a sudden hurricane.

All I understood
About good and bad
Cracked open
Leaving me feeling
Desolated and sad.

Fear and guilt
From childhood
Beliefs and perceptions
Became dominant
In my life again.

Struggled fiercely
To heal my pain
And to figure out
Who I really am.

Released the fear
Released the guilt
By accepting a different
Perceptive about God
And what I believed
About life and death.

Tis not a person
In the sky
Handing out gold stars
For worships
And punishments
To slackers.

Tis a feeling of love
Grandiose and magnificent
For all those willing
To embrace it
Within their heart.

Must learn to release
Expectations and attachments
For God’s love
Tis’ not a reward
Or punishment.

‘Tis ready
To beat to a
Different drum
With an open heart
Accepting this enhancement
As part of my new life.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding