Feel It 2/17/2022

Can you feel it
The currency of life
Moving freely within
Bringing peace and love
If you choose
To accept it or not.

The breath occurs
Without any effort
Tis the power of life
Accepting gracefully
We can’t live without it.

Allow the breath
To be your focal point
When finding stillness
Within your thoughts
Creating a sweet spot
For the Divine to enter
Without discourse.

Gradually within practice
Your mindful breathing
Will connect
To your Higher Self
Providing the opportunity
If chosen
To understand and learn
Who you really are.

Be one with the breath
Always mindful
And with intention
Tis the innate power source
That taps into our Divinity
Where love is bountiful.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding