Achieve The Unbelievable 3/20/2023

Out there
Beneath the drama
And chaos
Are future possibilities
Waiting in the wings
Ready to fly.

So how do we
Uncover the truth
And the direction needed
To achieve the

Without a roadmap
It’s hit or miss
And most decide its
To unnerving
Something into
The unknown mist.

But each of us have
A built in GPS
Known as
The Intuitive Self.

Just like learning
To drive a car
We develop skills
And practice
In order to experience
Driving ourselves.

Building internal trust
While accepting
Signs and signals
Given to us
Provides intuitive guidance
Needed to seek
Our future design
In front of us.

Follow instincts
Believe in a higher power
Allow wisdom and clarity
To expand awareness
Knowing you have the
Inner power to
Achieve the unbelievable
Anytime you want.

Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding