The Way I Walk 1/1/2024

Can you tell
By the way I walk
The way I move
The spring in my step
That love is in my heart
And joy is in my soul? 

Twas not easy
To walk a different way
After many years of
Putting one step
In front of another
Without thinking
Or caring. 

Felt tired and bored
Looking for something
Different than before
But didn’t know
How to change

Then one day
The timing was right
Able to change
My walking
My movements
And thoughts. 

Felt uncomfortable
At the beginning
Lost my footing
And began to
Doubt myself a lot. 

Just kept putting
One step forward
Sliding it
At first
Then began hopping
And running
In a different way
Than before. 

Holding my head high now
Feeling a smile in my heart
Wishing the best for others
Are some positive affects
By simply changing
The way I walk.

Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding