The Reason 2/22/2023
With each passing year
A recurring question
Is this all there is to life?
Why have I not
Been able to see
The answer
Through the glasses
That I currently wear?
Has my vision been tainted
By the scars on my heart
By the fears I’ve suppressed
And by the emotions
That have been blocked?
Am I burrowing deeper
Into avoidance
Instead of facing each fear
With conviction
That encourages
Deep healing?
How and where
Do I find the strength
And courage to start?
Just give me a reason
To lean into my pain?
Looking to the sky
I suddenly smile
At the blueness of color
And the gentle breeze
That wraps around
My brokenness
Comforting me.
Many subtle signs
Surround us always
Giving us that reason
To heal
When we are ready
To confront our
Personal demons.
Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author