Life's Playground 8/27/2022

The world
Created for us
Is our playground
Of joys and sorrows.

A place to experience
What is needed
To understand
Who we are
Without masks
And shields on
That protect the heart.

The outer shell
Has hardened with time
Always suppressing emotions
During difficult experiences
Leaving many feelings

Fear takes control
Over our reactions
Feeling lost and confused
Without a plan or direction
To head towards.

We don’t trust our emotions
Tis bewildering gifts for us
But needed though
To help unravel the mysteries
Underneath the facade
We created in life.

How do we survive like this?
How do we live with uncertainty?

Tis many questions
Only you must answer
While lingering in this
State of confusion
Until you learn to unlock
What is needed
To enlighten
Your Soulful Self.

Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding