Innocent Heart 09/13/2022
Do you remember
The sweetness
And purity
Of a child’s
Innocent heart?
Laughing and giggling
Without any reason
Because it seemed
Fun to do
At the time.
Seeing a fuzzy caterpillar
Hanging upside on a leaf
And wanting to know
How that happened?
Being silly
Skipping along
And burping
At the same time
Then tripping
Over a rock
Hurting the knee
And crying out
The pain quickly
Noticed a worm
On the ground
Giggled again
While picking it up.
Many lessons to learn
By observing
A child playing
Being inquisitive
Being curious
Not afraid of new things
That attract the eye.
Connect with your
Inner child
And be in each moment
Without fear or doubt
Trust your instincts
And allow the soul’s light
To guide the way
In life.
Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author