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Proceed to the payment amount criteria and then payment type


All Yoga Classes - Sliding scale $5,$8 or $10

30 minute Chakra Healing session(in-person only)- $40

8 weeks - GRM Small Group In-Person - Sliding scale per session $50,$60, or $70. Package of 7 for $350. Location and schedule TBD 

7 weeks - GRM 1-on-1 Virtual or In-person Class - Sliding scale per session $50, $60 or $70. Package of 7 for $350. Location and schedule TBD

30 minute Psychic Soul Path Reading - sliding scale: $50, $60 or $70 per session

30 minute Evidential Mediumship Reading -sliding scale: $50, $60 or $70 per session

60 minute Intuitive Life Coaching or Grief Coaching Session - sliding scale: $50, $60 or $70 per session. Package of 7 for $350.

Private 1-on-1 Yoga/Meditation Class - per quote amount

Corporate Yoga/Mediation Class - per quote amount




Company special interest provides healing services and support to parents who lost a child or to grieving families experiencing financial hardship. Even with a small donation, healing services can be provided to them free of charge.