Sunshine 02/01/2022

Even in my darkest hours
You were with me
Offering a shoulder
To lean on
Twas unaware
This happened

Sadness enveloped
My heart
Making it difficult
To feel and see
Anything else.

How did I ever escape
From the anguish of loss
Living in my thoughts?

You came to me each day
Disgusted as
Warmth and comfort
Of the morning breeze
Offering me a chance
To just breathe.

Consistent and in sync
With the rhythms of nature
Each moment offered me
Another chance
To heal my sadness.

Little by little
Love entered my day
Without me realizing
What was occurring.

Your steadiness
Guided me to believe
Your sunshine was needed
And I can’t live
Without you in it.

Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding