Walk On By 2/29/2024

You came knocking
At my heart’s front door
Many times in a row
Didn’t know
Who you were
So you let me
Walk on by
Without answering
Your request.

 You didn’t give up
Your efforts remained
Unnoticed to me though
Your persistent stayed
Steady and true
For my destiny
Was decided
Long before. 

Thought you restricted
My movements
Thought you tied
My hands
From expressing
What I thought
I needed at the time. 

Until the day
My heart
Broke into many pieces
And grief entered my life
I needed someone
Stronger than me
To help navigate
My emotional self. 

My heart’s front door
Opened to
A loving and familiar
Presence that
Comforted me
Without past judgements. 

Your kindness provided me support
Your resilience and confidence
Enhanced my abilities
Providing the foundation
To rebuild myself
From ground up

Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding