Real Or Not 1/8/2025

What is real
And what is not?
For the mind doesn’t
Know the difference
Between a real experience
And one that is imagined
In our thoughts.

We become
What we think
So beware of
Your thoughts.

Will you choose to
Eliminate pain
And suffering
In your life
Or choose to
Make of
The same.

For we cannot control
What happens to us
As that’s an
And unrealistic task
But we can control
How we react
To everything
And everyone
We encounter.

Finding compassion
Within jealousy
Within hatred
And peace
Within anger
We have reached
A level of consciousness
That can produce
The kingdom of heaven
For any event
In life.

Tis a magical
And mystical gift
That our Soul reveals
By thinking with
Our hearts
Instead of
Our minds.

Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding