Never Give Up 9/18/2024

Never knew
Life could
Be joyful
Till you rescued me
From my worries
And delusions. 

Dwelled in sadness
And confusion
After a physical death
But heard a
Guiding voice
Lifting me up
Out of my darkness. 

Grateful each day
For God’s presence
And my Soul’s kindness
Helping me both
To live with meaning
And with purpose. 

Showing up daily
As the better half
I never knew existed
My heart and mind
Allowing me to
Keep going
And never give up. 

My love continues
To expand and grow
As I learned to care
About myself
And others
With loving mindfulness. 

Blending into a Oneness
With a lightness
Of heartfulness
Knowing I am you
And you are me
Within God’s Divine

Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding