Gifts And Presents 12/25/2023

The day of gifts and presents
Giving and receiving
Even though the words come
From different root meanings
They are similar in nature
With subtle differences
When used in separate situations.

Why do some feel uncomfortable giving gifts?
And others about receiving presents?
Is it the action of giving and receiving that causes angst?
Or the material items
That are the objects of the exchange?

 Does a gift reference more of an internal possession?
Used in an outward action
To bring kindness and compassion
Does a present refer to being in the moment and the now?

So, depending
On the intention and the purpose
Of where your mindset resides
Gifts and presents
Can be interchangeable
When speaking about life.

The ultimate gift
For yourself and another
Is the present of time
And awareness
In any moment
At hand.

There’s also
Something special
When giving a material gift
Bought with an open heart
Not expecting
Anything in return
A subtle present
Of a smile and a thanks.

Tis a similar experience
God receives
When a gift or talent
Given at birth
Is used
To grow spiritually
And to amplify love
In your life.

Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding