Swirl 5/01/2022
Feeling free and easy
As kindness and tenderness
Surfaces quickly
As your inner dancing swirl
Moves and grooves
With the music of the heart.
No worries or sadness
To hold you down
Allowing self
To be transported
To a higher realm.
Be aware of the rhythm
Be aware of the beat
Feeling connected
To the soulful self
With grace and charm.
Speaking to you
Within the notes and sounds
Guiding you to the place
Deep within the soul.
Tis a place of harmony
Tis a place of gratitude
Past and present
Blended together like
A swirled ice cream cone.
You are one with
Who you are
Appreciating your
Strengths and weakness
Creating inner strength
While learning to dance
To your own song.
Maggie Spaulding
~Poem Author